qualtrics captcha


Creating a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) for Qualtrics involves designing a challenge that differentiates between humans and automated bots. Below, I'll provide a template for a simple text-based CAPTCHA that you can implement in a Qualtrics survey:


CAPTCHA Challenge

Please prove that you are human by solving the following challenge:

[Question 1]

What is 5 + 7? [Enter your answer in the box below]

[Your Answer: ____________]

[Question 2]

Type the missing letters: C _ M _ U _ T _ R

[Your Answer: ____________]


Note: For question 2, the answer would be "COMPUTER."

Feel free to customize the questions and difficulty level according to your specific needs. Make sure the questions are not too complicated to prevent frustrating genuine users but also not too straightforward to avoid easy exploitation by bots. Additionally, you can experiment with other types of challenges, such as image-based CAPTCHAs or logic puzzles, depending on your survey's requirements and target audience.

Remember, the primary goal of a CAPTCHA is to ensure the authenticity of survey responses by human participants, so designing it thoughtfully will help achieve that objective effectively.